Hmmm ... the vision of me busily blogging away most nights after the dishes were done hasn't materialized. I can't say that the doing the dishes tired me out or took too long, because I don't get around to those much either. Well, I'll pick up where I left off rather than trash the entire blog thing, which is my usual M.O. To trash things, that is.
Yesterday, I had the very rare experience of having technology work as easily and beautifully as it does in those commercials where they recycle hits from the late 1960s. (I really hate that. You'd think when trying to sell innovation they'd do better than rehashing some worn out song. I'm sure the ad agencies budgets are huge enough. I'd like to get in on that gravy train.) I had to pdf a bunch of documents/clips for a query letter. I opened Acrobat, selected Create, and from there, as if by magic, pdfs came quickly and painlessly. That was the first time that has ever happened to me with software.
So, now I'm kind of inspired to really put together my "Book." The Book of clips, projects, etc. Not the book I am going to write. I haven't decided on that one yet.