Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What if there was a book signing and no books came?

At left, windmills are a Solvang icon. Bakeries are another icon.

"Poised" would not be the first word used to describe me. Sometimes I can pull it off, but it doesn't come naturally. Maybe that's why I'm well suited to an occupation that has me mostly interacting with a computer.

So, when the books didn't arrive for my scheduled book signing in Solvang on March 16, you can just imagine how I felt. The event -- or should I say "non-event" -- turned out to be a nice time. Kathy, the book store owner, and I spent the time getting to know each other better. Plus, my husband and a good friend came with me, so we got to spend some quality time together.

The books still haven't made it to the Solvang bookstore. I hope they show up soon and we can sell a lot of them.

If you can't find "Solvang: A Guide to the Danish Capital of America" at a bookstore near you, order it directly from the publisher at www.touristtown.com.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Working the Deadline

Why is it when I should be writing -- when it is painfully obvious that I cannot outrun the deadline avalanche -- I get so many great ideas about what other people could and should do?

For example, this morning I thought of two friends who must run for local public office and I had to email them right then and there. I also thought of someone who really needs to start a blog -- he's so funny, quick witted, and looks at the world in a refreshing manner. I don't know him well, so I had to spend an inordinate amount of time crafting an email about my suggestion. I didn't want to seem pushy or like a know-it-all.

Back to my original question of "why." That's not important. The important thing is not to act on it. Or is it? My work will get done. Maybe this is the way I get other things accomplished, by hitching them to this deadline wagon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Almost An All-Nighter

The other night, Monday to be exact, I was working on an all-of-the-sudden project well past the usual time I'm in my pajamas with teeth brushed and I was reminded of the all-nighter. Remember those glory days of college with last minute studying and pounding out papers (on a typewriter!)?

I didn't "pull an all-nighter" on Monday. Here's why: First, I didn't stay up all night. I didn't even reach the almost 3 a.m. point of no return. Second, the time crunch wasn't self-inflicted. It wasn't due to a mismanagement of time on my end -- a subtle, yet defining, part of an all-nighter.

I can't remember the last time I had an all-nighter. I can remember, though, it was long after college graduation. Maybe I'm learning.

The morning after the "almost an all-nighter," I ease into a day of writing with my trusty cat by my side.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

That's a GOOD Problem!

Look closely at the picture and you'll see the window display for the "Solvang: A Guide to the Danish Capital of America" book signing.

About the Solvang book (again!)...

Kiona, the owner of the Curious Cup bookstore where I'm having the book signing on Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m., called me Tuesday concerned that we/she may not have enough book to sell for the book signing.

Isn't that great? Boy, my family and friends really have come through on this one. Thank you for all the pre-orders!

But back to the problem, sure, selling out of books is a good problem, but a problem nonetheless. So, dear reader, if you miss out on getting a book on Saturday, remember you can always order from The Curious Cup, Amazon, or the publisher at touristtown.com.

See you Saturday! It will be fun. We're having lots of good snacks. If you can't make Saturday, fear not, there is another book signing in Solvang, at The Book Loft -- 1680 Mission Drive, on March 16 from 4 to 6 p.m.

Isn't this bookstore the best? Every town should have such a place!