Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sign of the Times (?)

I’m on a business trip of sorts. Packed up my office and am working out of my sister-in-law’s place. She and her husband are river rafting through the Grand Canyon, for which they had to win a lottery and wait a year or something like that, so it is a pretty big deal.

Anyway, look at the photo of the sign posted near my temporary office, i.e. their home. It is rife with errors. And, I’m not talking about grammar gaffes that only snotty-nosed, stick-up-their-butts English majors would harp on [preposition at end of sentence intended!]. I’m talking about didn’t anyone proof this? Who is responsible for this? How much do those signs cost? And, what is the salary of the person responsible for this?

I was going to call the phone number listed and ask about work as a proofreader, but my real motivation for calling was to be annoying. So, I dropped the idea.