While working on my last big project I developed a theory. Here it is: The Sweet Spot, or the best part, of work is the period in between finding out you landed the job/project and starting it. Don't you agree? The euphoria of having something lined up and some free time before you actually have to do anything is wonderful. Too bad we can't recall that feeling at will.
The Sweet Spot Theory applies to bank accounts, too. I love it when I make a hefty deposit and have a balance to be proud of for more than a few hours before all the debits sift out at 12:01 a.m. I know I'm fooling myself, in fact, that is the point -- to have a few hours of feeling good and not worrying.
My last big project? On Oct. 27 I turned in the manuscript for a guidebook on Solvang, the Danish Capital of America. That's why I have a picture of a windmill on my post. I'll keep you posted on the process of the book. It is due out in early 2011.
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