Monday, August 11, 2014

"The Happiness Choice" an AWC-SB Books for Breakfast Choice

Reading another great book for the Association of Women in Communication's Books for Breakfast. This time it's “The Happiness Choice: The Five Decisions That Will Take You From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be” by Santa Barbara-based author Marilyn Tam.

Here's a synopsis:  Tam takes what she learned from being an unwanted, neglected, and abused child in Hong Kong to become an international business success and humanitarian who is happy, healthy, and at peace with herself. In “The Happiness Choice,” she teaches readers how to live the life of their dreams. This book reveals the principles, tools, and philosophies she has used to achieve a balanced, healthy, and joyful life. People want contentment, love, and happiness from meaningful work, personal relationships, healthy mind and body, a spiritual core, and a reason for living. Tam details a path to get you there. “The Happiness Choice,” is filled with stories, tips, and insights on how anyone can live the life they've dreamed of living—a happy, healthy, successful, and dynamically balanced life.

One of the things I really like about the book is it's part workbook. 

Looking forward to the discussion. 


  1. If I wasn't ready to take off on a trip, I would have been there for this, Amy. I have the book and love it! I've also heard Marilyn talk a couple times, and was so impressed. Enjoy the book discussion tomorrow.


    1. This morning's AWC-Santa Barbara's Books for Breakfast discussion on The Happiness Choice by Marilyn Tam was very lively. So much food for thought.


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