Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ode to SMART

Day 12 / 30-Day Writing Challenge

There wasn't a single source of inspiration for this 30-day writing challenge. SMART certainly was a heavy influence. The brainchild of Santa Barbara jeweler Calla Gold,  SMART (Social Media Action Relationship Team) meets the third Thursday morning of each month in downtown Santa Barbara. And, I'm a member.

The purpose of SMART is to exchange social media marketing and online promotional ideas. The accountability and regularity of meetings make crystal clear where I'm at with my business and my writing. I needed to stretch the writing muscles.

At last Thursday's meeting, executive coach Patricia Schwartz shared a piece penned by her boyfriend Grant House. Ode to SMART was written in the moment after Patricia shared some SMART news with Grant. An ode is defined as a poem in which a person expresses a strong feeling of love or respect for someone or something. 

Here it is:
Ode to the SMART Group 
By Grant House on 5/21/14

Three Lindas
Two Patricias
And ten other women
From varied backgrounds
With a common interest
In empowering others
through their enterprises,
assemble each month
at the University Club downtown.
Ostensibly they meet
to encourage one another
to listen, provide feedback,
and work within a system
of accountability.
They, each and as a group,
recognize the value
of their loose alliance.
An outside observer, tuned in
to a “higher frequency” might
observe another congregation,
a remarkable and
unique accomplishment unfolding.
Fifteen faces of God convene
recognize one another.
Fifteen mirrors held up
in the light radiating
from their inner being,
resonating in a tone
that elevates whole universes
to a higher order.
Monthly, the world’s course
is subtly altered.
And then they go back to
their daily lives.
Without this circle the
world would lose its way
And wander off to who
knows where.

Offer gratitude.

Show respect and appreciation.

And give them love.
  And in its original form: 


  1. I love this post. Thank you for sharing our story and making it sound as beautiful as you did. Go SMART team!

    1. Thank you Patricia. I feel so lucky that I hitched my wagon to SMART's star.


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