Tuesday, May 27, 2014

When Not Knowing is Helpful

Day 14 / 30-Day Writing Challenge

"How can you write about a subject you know very little about?" 

I'm asked that question from time to time. 

Actually, being in the dark can be a good thing. I must whittle down the words so I can understand the context, which makes for very clear and concise writing -- perfect for professionals writing for a lay audience. 

Oftentimes in this process, a string of words is reduced to looking like a mathematical equation. (Adjective) Noun + Verb (Adverb) + Direct Object = Complete Thought. 

For example, take DCA (Dylan Chappell Architects). I helped Dylan, principal architect, with his series "DCA's Great Design System."

My major contribution was identifying concepts and nomenclature that could be unclear to homeowners, his intended audience. If I didn't understand it, chances were good a reader wouldn't either. 

"DCA's Great Design System" was a fun project. I learned a lot and really enjoyed the subject matter. 

Wondering how well you would understand an architect writing for an audience of peers? Take this quiz
My lack of architectural knowledge turned out to be an asset in helping to produce the "Great Design System" by architect Dylan Chappell. I helped make sure the content was understandable to nonprofessionals. 


Thank you for your comments.