Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Yes, and ...

The first rule of improv is to accept the offer. Some call it the "Yes, and ..." rule. Meaning you take whatever is given you. You keep the scene moving along. 

Your scene partner says, "Look at those flying dogs."
You answer, "Yes, and they look a lot like pterodactyls." 
As opposed to saying, "Those aren't flying dogs. They're pterodactyls." 

The rule applies to the freelance writing life, too. No matter what comes out, stay with the flow and continue the writing. Yes and ..., yes and ..., yes and ...! There's plenty of time for no's during the editing process. 

Actually, the rule applies to many aspects of life. My life, anyway. 

Say yes. Be open. See where the yes takes you. 

From left are Joseph Lawrence, moi!, and Robert Lehmann performing in the November 7th Improv show at the Plaza Playhouse Theater in Carpinteria. Photo by Debbie Woo.


  1. Very interesting! I'll have to try out this improv style of writing.

  2. Very cool approach to writing! In what other aspects of your life does the improv rule apply?


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