Friday, March 13, 2015

Doggone good!

The Inquisitive Canine is a great Web site and its Doggie Blog is chockablock full of dog training tips, techniques and knowledge. The Inquisitive Canine. Certified professional dog trainer and behavior consultant Joan Mayer really knows her stuff and loves seeing her students succeed.

Full disclosure: I get to help out with some of the writing and editing. I'm learning lots. My Golden Retriever, Libby, is the beneficiary of all my newfound insight to canine psyche. Our bond has grown stronger, thanks to my job. I've found Joan's approach to training – focus on the positive, reinforce the behavior you want – helpful in all aspects of my life.

The dogs in the picture are a friend's. They are, from left, Gavyn, Bryce, Cyrano, and Zephyr. Photo by Elizabeth Tuz. 


  1. So you've found doggy training beneficial in your human interactions, as well? That's good to know!

  2. Have you found any of the training techniques to be particularly useful?

  3. newfound insight to canine psyche is a wonderful tool to learn.

  4. Positive reinforcement techniques are not just applicable to dogs, they apply to many other animals (humans included). It's no surprise you are learning some helpful techniques for interacting with people.

  5. Dogs are man's best friend for a reason.


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