Saturday, May 17, 2014

Communication Compromise

Day 4 / 30-Day Writing Challenge

I love getting a letter in the mail, and I love writing letters, too. 

Letter writing is a dying art. The actual writing of letters on paper is less and less frequent. Indeed, penmanship has been thrown by the wayside in the curriculum of elementary schools. 

The muscles in my hands and fingers aren't what they used to be. It's quite taxing to write more than a paragraph. Plus, the scribble that ends up on the page from my pen is embarrassing! I used to receive all sorts of compliments on my handwriting. 

I received a letter from my brother the other day. He brokered a compromise between technology and the post office. He wrote the letter on a computer, printed it out, and mailed it. 

Yea! What a fun surprise the letter was. And, it was a single space, 2.5-page letter. Reading it via email would not have been as enjoyable. 

Don't you just love getting something in the mail that isn't junk or a bill? Like a personal letter?


  1. I Love writing, and receiving, letters! It really is a dying thing, but nothing is quite the same as a mailed letter. It's such a joy to go through your mail and see a friend's writing.

    Calla Gold

    1. Thank you, Calla. It really makes my day, too, to see familiar handwriting in my mailbox.

    2. I love receiving a letter, but I tend to procrastinate answering for some reason. I try to keep a supply of blank inside cards, which seems easier for me to get to. It doesn't take long to write a card, to let someone know you're thinking about them. A letter doesn't have any parameters of space, so I find myself going on too long.

    3. Thank you, Linda. I can't imagine a recipient of one of your letters ever thinks you go "on too long."

  2. I love to write and everytime I do, which isn't that much anymore, I dislike my writing style. I've worked on it, being left-handed never helped. I don't think teachers really understood to how to help us poor sods :) I am going to write a letter to someone... Not sure who yet ;) Thanks for the fire.

    1. Thank you Cindy. You know, when I was in elementary school I used to wish I was left handed. I thought it was so cool. May have had something to do with my older sister being left handed.

  3. Personal, hand written letters are so much more meaningful. Anyone has time to sit and type some words, but it takes time and patience to be able to write things out. Especially 2.5 pages!

    1. Thank you for your reply Lisa. I agree, letters are so much more meaningful.


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